Accessibility, Counselling and Student Development Appointment Booking
You can use this website to schedule or cancel an appointment for the following services:
· Accessibility Services
· Career Counselling
· DARTS (Developing Academic Resiliency, Tenacity, and Skills)
· Personal Counselling
· Case Management
Scheduling An Initial Appointment
Note: You cannot use the Appointment Booking system to schedule your initial appointment.
Ensure that you have completed the Registration form. You can schedule your initial appointment one of the following ways:
1. Stop by Wemple Room 151
2. Call our office at 519-930-4640
3. Complete the appointment request form (you will be emailed your appointment date and time to your Western email)
Schedule Your Follow-Up Appointments
1. Select Schedule An Appointment to get started. You will login using your username (without, and your password (the same one you use to log into your Student Centre).
2. Choose the type of appointment you are wanting to book and the name of your assigned counsellor.
3. You can choose to search for appointments in ‘calendar view’ or ‘list view’. If there are no appointments listed on your preferred day, please call 519-930-4640.
4. Complete the appointment questionnaire.
5. Check your Western email for your appointment confirmation.
6. You will receive an additional email which will confirm your preferred appointment delivery method (i.e. in person, phone, Zoom)
We are offering daily walk-in appointments (September – April) for Accessibility Services and Personal Counselling. Walk-in hours are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm (registration opens at 1 pm). You can access walk-in by stopping by Wemple Room 151, or by completing the walk-in form.
You can only schedule one appointment per week using this system. If you have questions, please stop by Wemple Room 151, or call our office at 519-930-4640.
How do I cancel or reschedule an appointment?
If you cannot attend your appointment, please cancel at least 24 hours in advance. By doing so, you allow another student to book this time. You can cancel your appointment one of the following ways:
1. Click on the Calendar tab at the top of this page. It will show all of your upcoming scheduled appointments. Simple choose the Cancel button.
2. Email
3. Call our office at 519-930-4640
You may then reschedule your appointment one of the following ways:
1. Through the Online Appointment Booking system above
2. Stop by Wemple Room 151
3. Call our office at 519-930-4640
4. Complete the appointment request form
Have A Question?
If your question is urgent, stop by Wemple Room 151, or call our office at 519-930-4640. For less urgent matters, you can email, or click the Submit A Comment’ tab above.